
Genetic Algorithm Framework in JS

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A Genetic Algorithm Framework in JS

A genetic algorithm is, more or less, a universal function approximator. After an initial (usually randomized) population is created, the algorithm loops through the following processes:

Such that the population evolves towards some optimal solution.

More Reading Material Here


Include Jenetics.js or Jenetics.min.js from dist

<script src="path/to/JeneticS.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/your/app.js"></script>

Node specific usage coming soon.



Define a live (fitness) and mutate functions for your Agent.

let evolve = "A string to evolve."; // Trivial example = function () {  // Example: Live function
    for (let i = 0; i < this.dna.length; i++) {
        if (this.dna[i] === evolve[i]) {

Agent.prototype.mutate = function (rate) {  // Example: Mutate function
    for (let i = 0; i < this.dna.length; i++) {
        if (Math.random() < rate) {
            // MUTATE DNA
    // OR
    if (Math.random() < rate) {
        // MUTATE AGENT

Create a function to define random Agents

function createAgent(index) {
    // Create an agent
    let agent = new Agent();
    agent.dna = [/* Populate according to your needs */]
    return agent;

Create a Genetic Algorithm instance and innoculate the culture:

let geneticAlgorithm = new JeneticS();
geneticAlgorithm.innoculate(createAgent); // Pass in a function to create a random Agent

Simulate a generation;

Access the fittest individual, the entire population, or by index.

best =;

allIndividuals = geneticAlgorithm.culture.citizens;

let i = 2;
byIndex = geneticAlgorithm.culture.citizen(i);


let geneticAlgorithm = new JeneticS({
    mutationRate: 0.01,         // Rate of mutation
    population: 500,            // Population of Agents in Culture
    crossoverMethod: "all",     // "all" "half" "alternate"
    elitism: 0.1,               // Percentage of additional mutated elites
    eliteMutationMultiplier: 5  // Multiplier for elite mutation rate

Coming Soon